Digital Studies 101

A common resource for Digital Studies at UMW.

YouTubing was founded in 2005 and quickly became a leading force in the surge of so-called “Web 2.0” culture that hit a peak with Time Magazine naming “You” the 2006 person of the year. YouTube has gone on to provide endless memes, cultural references, and launched the careers of an army of “YouTubers”. But how does YouTube keep a constant stream of videos in your feed, deciding what you should see? And what about the ads that are fed to you during those videos?

Suggested Reading

Suggested Tasks

Make Some Videos

  • Parody video mimicking the style of a sub-genre of YouTubers
  • Learn how to set up a channel
  • Try different styles and cliches

Analyze your Youtube Use

  • Experiment with Youtube’s algorithms by creating multiple new accounts and tracking how Youtube’s recommendations shift based on those accounts’ viewing history and demographic profile
  • Monitor and critically examine the algorithms these suggestions, and use screen-capture software to record these in action
  • Monitor and critically examine the ads you receive
  • Find a youtube community based on a hobby, fandom, or other affinity, and create a profile of that community that identifies key influencers, outliers, and events

Slack Channel: youtube
